Tuesday 19 June 2012

Funny Pictures Pick - 3

unique use of laptop 

Funny Sms:

A Man's Feeling :....


"It feels Like a Mini heart attack when I dont find my Mobile in my pocket ..


& its almost like Heart Fail when I see it in my Girlfriend's hand !
funny donkey 
Girls have two major problems with their wardrobe:
1. Nothing to wear &
2. No place to keep her clothes.
Guys have two major problems with their laptop:
1. Nothing to watch &
2. No space for anything new..!!
funny pictures 
A Beggar Found Rs. 100/-
He Went To A 5 Star Hotel For Dinner...
Bill Rs. 3000/-
He was unable to pay!!!
Manager Handed Him To Police!!!
He Gave Rs. 100/- To Policeman & Free!!!
funny faces 
How Much SECRETS are Hidden On A Cell
Phone is Directly Proportional To
. .
. .
. .
How Quickly U Snatch it Back When
Someone Takes it..=P =D
funny facebook 
Millions of people write Love Letters.

But everyone send there 1st love letter mostly to me,

Just imagine how lucky I m!

Great words
Said by


** DUST BIN **

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